Ravza was playing outside, trying not to hear the explosion sounds. She found a stick in the ruins where she took shelter and tried to pull the exploded ball under the bricks towards herself. She was singing a march, a song, a nursery rhyme loudly. She tried to remember a song she learned at school. What were the lyrics of the song?

Freedom for all children in the world,

Happiness for All Children… 

She sang this song many times in the school choir and while playing games with her friends. She realized that she had never thought about what the words meant. She was a child also, a part of this world... The most innocent, smallest part... The song gifted both freedom and happiness to children. Did freedom belong to all children? What did freedom mean?

Was it about being able to say whatever she wanted, the way she wanted? She could scream as much as she wanted in the ruined building she was currently in. Or was it about being able to play on the street whenever she wanted without asking anyone? Her entire family had been killed by the bomb, and now she had no one left to ask permission to go out. Or was it playing games all day without getting up from her seat? Then she must be truly free. Because she hadn't moved from her place for hours because she thought it was safe.

…Happiness for All Children…

Apparently, she was free as a child in this world... But was she happy? How could one be happy?

She was happy when she jumped rope and played hopscotch with her friends in the neighborhood. When her mother made her favorite meal, she would run home happily. Once, her father bought the doll she wanted. She remembered how she and her sisters would laugh with joy at having a new doll. Once, her teacher made her read poetry because she had a beautiful voice. When the poem was finished, the whole school applauded, and her heartbeat with happiness. All this seems like centuries ago. However, all the memories were just a few months ago.

“All the children,” the song said, were all children happy?

She remembered the kittens she cared for in the garden and how they used to drink milk. They gathered their friends and looked after the cats who had no mothers, for days. Her friends: Rimi, Mariam, Fatima, Sulaiman, Musa. Were they happy too now? Were they free like “all children”? Or were they no longer a part of this world and had neither happiness nor freedom left? Or did they achieve happiness and freedom that the world could not offer?

Then she thought about his peers in other countries. What were they doing now? Kaan, Aslı, John, Gloria, Sara... Were bombs exploding in their countries too? Were they free and happy too? What did freedom and happiness really mean to them?

Don't the concepts we use mean the same thing even if we speak different languages? Freedom; Isn't it the same freedom wherever we are in the world? Isn't happiness having the same smile on children's faces all over the world? So, what do freedom and happiness mean?

A person cannot take anything he has with him wherever he goes. He can only have free will and happy memories throughout his life. So how can children have everything they have taken away from them? What is all this for? For lands that can never have "real owners"... For the sake of taking away what someone truly owns...

What do the concepts we use many times daily tell us?  Concepts that we gift to children without thinking about their real meaning; can reveal their true meaning through a child's questions.

So, understanding must start from scratch. With curiosity like a child, asking the right questions... Without worrying about "how it looks" when asking questions. One must start thinking from scratch by focusing more insistently and sincerely on what we do not understand... by trying to reveal the truth.


Experiential Design Teaching uses true information 
to help us transfer experiences to design 
our present and future in a better way.

It helps us to unveil problems correctly 
and offers strategies for better solutions.
It helps us to reach our goals in life 
while being happy and successful. 
The following  programs are offered for 
those who are interested, 
"Who is Who" "Mastery in Relationships"
 and "Success Psychology".




Yorum Gönder

15 Yorumlar

  1. Freedom for all children in the world, happiness for all children…

  2. A person can take anything 🥹

  3. Thank you ☘️ I wish all children to be liberated

  4. 🏵️🏵️🏵️

  5. The truth is everywhere... in our everyday lives, if we look close enough 🌱

  6. Gerçeğin ve epistemolojinin ne kadar önemli olduğunu idrak etmemizi sağlayan ve gerçekle sahteyi ayrıştırmanın önemini anlatan bir yazı olmuş. Elinize, kaleminize sağlık.

  7. With curiosity like a child, asking the right questions... Without worrying about "how it looks" when asking questions.
    A sentence that tells the truth...

  8. Zeynep Büşra21 Haziran 2024 04:34

    İnsan şey sanıyor.. Sıfırdan başlamak beni geriden getirirmiş gibi düşünüyor.. Yok o öyle değili anlatan bir yazı olmuş, teşekkür ederiz 💫

  9. Thinking is a necessity, but are we doing it the right way? An article that makes you think the right thing

  10. Kavramlar ve gerçek anlamları... Ne çok yanlış anlamışız, yanlış kullanmışız

  11. Freedom for all children in the world
