In this life, everyone wants to have a child, a piece of themselves…

Why would they want a piece of themselves?

Because they want to leave a trace on the earth.

Humankind wants to leave something behind. A good legacy… real estate, a name, a title, a child… A child who will carry on the trace he left behind.

He wants to think that he is important. The one and only… Until the death comes and knocks on the door, he wants to think that he will never die. For him, having a child is proving that he will last forever on the earth… He thinks as if his name and lineage will last forever with a child.

For that reason, when raising the child he wants to give the child the things he never had when growing up.

Because he never got to be a doctor, he would want his daughter to be a doctor. Because he couldn’t go to a university, he wants his son to study. Because he couldn’t become a famous football player, he wants his son to become one. Because he never got to go abroad, he wants his children to go.

Sometimes, because he wore rubber shoes as a kid, he wants his children to wear the best ones. He wants his children’s opportunities to be better than his. “We couldn’t do it, so he should” He believes that this is a good legacy. As if every opportunity he leaves for his children is the best legacy for them.

But is leaving a good legacy on the earth; having a child, giving them unlimited opportunity? Or is it about how they are raised in life?

How can a child turn into a good legacy? How can he become a person standing on his own feet in life?

Everyone wants his child to stand on his own feet. So how can a child; fed, dressed, and given every opportunity easily by his parents become a child standing on his own feet?

In nature, does a sheep give any opportunity to a lamb to lean on her to stand? How does she breastfeed her lamb? Does she run after him to feed? Or does she just stand next to him?

How does an eagle teach how to fly to its offspring? Does he carry them on his back while flying?

Contrary, a human carries his child’s responsibilities on his back.

So then, how our legacy, our child, will learn how to fly? How will he become someone who can leave a trace behind?

A child improves whilst fulfilling his responsibilities according to his age. Tidying his bed, helping to set the dining table, preparing a meal… With friends and at school solving his problems… Carrying his bag, studying for his exams… Learning the “how” in life… Facing the consequences of his mistakes… Being in charge when he takes the responsibility… A child is raised by becoming prepared for the next step in his life. Like his parents, he struggles and pays the price of his goals but in the end, he becomes someone who can leave a trace in life. Now, that child can be a good legacy in life.

Which parent leaves a good legacy behind?

They show the way and shed light on the way. They motivate and give courage on the way. They transfer experiences. They help him to walk with less bruises. When he is injured they dress the wound. They show him how to get up when he falls.

Then my child stops being a problem. He becomes a good legacy, a good trace…

Experiential Design Teaching uses true information 
to help us transfer experiences to design 
our present and future in a better way.

It helps us to unveil problems correctly 
and offers strategies for better solutions.
It helps us to reach our goals in life 
while being happy and successful. 
The following  programs are offered for 
those who are interested, 
"Who is Who" "Mastery in Relationships"
 and" Success Psychology".

Yorum Gönder

28 Yorumlar

  1. Is it really about giving unlimited access to the opportunities the family has? Or is it about letting them discover their own potential? I truly believe that every child has a unique quality... It is really up to the parents what they decide... Thanks for sharing ❤️

  2. Thank you. 👏🏻👏🏻

  3. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  4. 💐💐💐💐💐

  5. Our lovely, challenging children 💕

  6. Wonderful writing about raising children...

  7. If you have a child, then you have a big problem :) but child is happiness 🌸 this text is very good, thank you 🤗

  8. Impressive details♥️ Thank you

  9. Thank you for sharing. 💐🙏🏻

  10. Impressive, thanks for sharing

  11. In my view That is so right also as a mother’s daughter of course they give us unlimited opportunities with these we feel like we have to be the best for them and then we understand that as a really big responsibility on us so that sometimes we broke and felt lonely and it hurt us so much

  12. What to do for a good inheritance.....?

  13. Every parent should know these. Thanks for this wonderful knowledge🌺❤️

  14. Thanks for english blog💫

  15. How can he become a person standing on his own feet in life?

  16. Özlem Aktoprak15 Şubat 2024 22:14


  17. Thank you for blog

  18. Thank you for sharing🌺

  19. Thanks for these valuable details ✨

  20. Zeynep Büşra17 Şubat 2024 17:17

    Çocuk sahibi olmadan neler yapılmalı sorusunun cevabı yazınızda gizlidir :) Emeklerinize sağlık yazınızın içeriği, yetiştirme ile bağlantıları çok güzel :) Sanırım çeviriden kaynaklı cümle kaymaları var ama o da bütün anlaşılınca netleşiyor :) Sahi çocuk yetiştirebilmeyi bilmek için illa çocuğumuz mu olmalı..? Yoksa deneyim transferi yeterli mi..?

  21. Why does the child have to be the problem?
    This won't happen if you develop it...

  22. So meaningful thank you🍀

  23. Leyla İçöz28 Mart 2024 15:51

    Very nice👍🌺

  24. Thank you for sharing 💐🌸

  25. Thank you. It was a very nice article. The more a person tries to be permanent, the more he realizes that he is disappearing. Thank you

  26. It was a very nice transfer experience
