Hydrangeas: the Litmus Test of the Soil


It was a cold and windy day. The trees were shedding their remaining leaves with every breeze. She was home for the first time after a long break, looking out the window. Her eyes fell on the rows of hydrangeas at the entrance of the garden, they were bare. This was of course a deception. When the spring comes, they will be lively again. They would bloom like a snowball and take on an unrecognizable beauty.

Could a flower decide on its colors based on the soil? Surprisingly, it could. Purple, red, lilac, blue… all depended on the soil.

“The soil is important. Where you put down your roots, where you feed from is very important,” she sighed.

Was it just important for hydrangeas? Wasn't it also important for human beings?

Wouldn’t a person change colors depending on where he is?

Don't we have any exchange with the place we live, our family, our friends?

Having good reasons will eventually lead to good results. The steps we take and the moves we make always have a return. Therefore, what we give and what we get in return is important. What we sacrifice for it... Sometimes we lose when we think we have won. The goal we set has nothing to do with where we are. There are moments when we are in the opposite direction from where we want to go. The right path might be different from the direction we have. However, we can only progress by staying on the right ground and the right path. We can be the flower of the right color that blooms in the right soil.

Plants absorb minerals from the soil and thrive. Through their roots, they are both strong and nourished. Of course, not every soil is suitable for every plant. It is necessary to be in the right place at the right time. It is important to find the appropriate climate and conditions. Light, water, and other nutrients according to the need... You will see that if its needs are not met, even a plant that has high potential withers away.

People interact with those around them. People can nourish or poison themselves with what they watch, listen to, eat, and drink... Beneficial relationships make us better than yesterday. A balanced and clean diet contributes to our health. We can accumulate good knowledge and add comfort to our lives with the useful information we learn. What happens if we ignore the benefits?

Like hydrangea, people can produce different colored flowers as the acidity in the soil changes. While it can bloom pink, it can also be purple or blue. Just like people…

A person can also get worse or better by the choices he makes in life. Sometimes we meet someone we haven't seen for a long time and say "You look very well"... His posture, his look, his face, and his eyes have become more beautiful. We find a reason of our own, thinking that his job, education, or marriage made him better.

It could also be the opposite. You meet someone you know very well after a long time and feel like a stranger. It feels like someone else is in the same body. His facial expressions, intonation, and even his smile have changed. The past time has not benefited him. What is the mischief in this?

Every morning when a person opens his eyes, he is ready for that day's choices. The outcome of these choices may lead to a reward or vice versa. Bad deeds, negative reasons, and wrong costs result in a bad ending. Every new day means a new opportunity. Why? To approach whatever color we want to bloom, to achieve, and to stay there…

Now it's time to look back at our soil before spring...

Are we in a place suitable for the flower we want to bloom?

Experiential Design Teaching uses true information 
to help us transfer experiences to design 
our present and future in a better way.
It helps us to unveil problems correctly 
and offers strategies for better solutions.
It helps us to reach our goals in life 
while being happy and successful. 

The following  programs are offered for 
those who are interested, 
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 and" Success Psychology".

Yorum Gönder

30 Yorumlar

  1. Hope we all have a good soil by the choices we make🌼

  2. Thank you so much, it was such an

  3. Özlem sunarel26 Mart 2024 17:38

    Thank you

  4. İt’s perfect 🌸 thank u

  5. İnsanın algılaması neyse aktarması da o olur. Bu nedenle bulunduğumuz çevre, iş arkadaşlarımız, hayatımıza aldığımız insanlar, kitaplar, izlediğimiz diziler ve filmler çok önemlidir.

  6. Very enlightening! Thank you for sharing 🤍🪻

  7. Zeynep Büşra26 Mart 2024 17:54

    Bulunduğun yere uyumlanmak, uyumlandığın yere göre değişiyor olmak.. Sahi gerçekten oraya ait miyiz..? Emeklerinize sağlık 🪷💫

  8. 👏🏻👏🏻🌸

  9. Very nice 👍

  10. Thanks for this nice article 🌱

  11. 🪻🪻🪻🪻💕

  12. Hydrangeas and humans 😪

  13. Thank you for writing🌸🙏🏻 It’s very useful essay.

  14. Thats Greats, thanks ):

  15. Her cümlesinde ayrı ayrı durup düşündürdü. İnşAllah doğru toprakta olanlardanızdır 💐

  16. Every new day means a new opportunity. Why? To approach whatever color we want to bloom, to achieve, and to stay there…❣️❣️

  17. Ellerinize sağlık çok güzel anlatmışsınız. İnsan kendi seçiyor hangi renkte olacağını. Toprağımızla uyumlu olduğumuz zaman yetişebiliyoruz. İnsan kendi seçimlerinin sonucunu yaşıyor

  18. Thank you. It was a very nice article. people experience the consequences of their choices

  19. Are we in a place suitable for the flower we want to bloom? Really?

  20. Thank you my ALLAH for creating every detail.

  21. A wonderful writing about life :)

  22. Tülay Yazıcı27 Mart 2024 10:30

    İnsan neye çok maruz kalırsa ona dönüşüyor. Ve insan seçim yapabilen bir varlık. Yani nerede, kiminle ne halde olacağıma ben karar veriyorsam bu iyi haber. Çünkü şuan itibariyle ne yaptığıma hemen karar vermeliyim. Çünkü sebepler sonuçları oluşturur.

  23. Thank you for this article. İts accualty great 🥰

  24. It is necessary to be in the right place at the right time! And A person can also get worse or better by the choices he makes in life.

  25. Tuğçe 🌻28 Mart 2024 12:28

    Thanks for text⚘️⚘️

  26. Harmony is a very important detail, thank you for your efforts.🪻

  27. Leyla İçöz17 Nisan 2024 16:05

    Nice 🌺

  28. It explains very well the importance of choosing the right environment for a person
